
HOW TO TAKE CARE OF your MushiMashi rug
Your rug is made of 100% wool, hand-knotted and made with the utmost care and attention for detail. She is a piece of art. Please take care of her and she will maintain her beautiful character.  

SUNLIGHT - Rotate your rug to prevent partial wear  
On earth, sunlight can affect the coloring on fabrics and furniture, including your rug. Rotating her a few times a year can ensure equal wear. This will help maintain an even shade so your rug can evenly wear as time passes. 

SAFETY - Place a non-slip pad underneath your rug
To make sure your rug stays where she is intended, you can lay a non-slip pad underneath, especially on laminate or wooden floors. If you will allow your rug to dance a bit, then she can lay on your laminate or wooden floor without anything underneath.
THREADS - Cut, never pull parts out of your rug
Never pull on her loose threads if she has any; it is better to cut a wool fiber instead of pulling. Your rug is hand-knotted. If you pull one of her threads, you might pull a whole knot, which can’t easily be repaired.

STAINS - spot clean your rug
The wool naturally repels liquids at first contact. So treat any spills as quickly as possible with a dry cloth or absorbent paper to help avoid any stains on your rug. If you need to spot clean her, do so with lukewarm water and a little natural soap. If the stains are stubborn, please go to a professional cleaning service with your rug. Never use a strong cleaning agent like Chlorine bleach!
SHAKE - shake your rug now and then  
To give your rug an eternal life, shake her at least once a year if you can. Her weavers shake the rugs outside to clean them. This is the traditional way that will maintain your rug in the best way possible and can easily be done at home. You can also hang your rug out in the sun for a few hours. This will give her some time to breathe in some fresh air. We all need to vent now and then. You can also vacuum your rug, but do it gently. Vacuum gently in a side-to-side motion to protect her wool fibers. When vacuuming, you shouldn't use the spin brush. 

Take care of your rug and she will love you eternally!